Peng Yu

School of Computer Science and Engineering
Beihang University
Address: Beijing, China

I'm a Post Doctoral Researcher at the State Key Lab of VR Tech & System, School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) of Beihang University. Before that, I received my PH.D. degree from Beihang University in 2022. I was jointly supervised by Prof. Aimin Hao, Assistant Prof. Junjun Pan and Prof. Hong Qin. My research aims to develop efficient and customized computing methods for challenging problems in Graphics, Simulation, HCI, Medical Simulator, and many other applied areas.

Recent Publications

Peng Yu, Zhiyuan Zhao, Ruiqi Wang, Junjun Pan*. "Real-time Soft Body Dissection Simulationwith Parallelized Graph-Based ShapeMatching on GPU", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (2024).
[PDF] Medical Simulator Simulation

Peng Yu, Junjun Pan*, Zhaoxue Wang, Yang Shen, Lili Wang, Jialun Li, Aimin Hao, Haipeng Wang. "Quantitative influence and performance analysis of virtual reality laparoscopic surgical training system", BMC Medical Education (2022).
[PDF] Medical Simulator Simulation HCI

Peng Yu, Junjun Pan*, Zhaoxue Wang, Yang Shen, Lili Wang, Jialun Li, Aimin Hao, Haipeng Wang. "Cognitive Load/flow and Performance in Virtual Reality Simulation Training of Laparoscopic Surgery ", IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2021), Poster [Honorable Mention Award].
[PDF] [Poster] [PPT] Medical Simulator Simulation HCI

Peng Yu, Junjun Pan*, Hong Qin, Aimin Hao, Haipeng Wang, "Real-time suturing simulation for virtual reality medical training", CAVW 2020.
[PDF] Medical Simulator Simulation

Junjun Pan, Leiyu Zhang(joint first author), Peng Yu(joint first author), Yang Shen, Haipeng Wang, Aimin Hao, Hong Qin,"Real-time VR Simulation of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy based on Parallel Position-based Dynamics in GPU",IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2020).
[PDF] Medical Simulator Simulation

Yang Shen, Peng Yu, Hang Lu, Xiangling Zhang, Haijun Zeng,"An AI‐based virtual simulation experimental teaching system in space engineering education", Computer Applications in Engineering Education 2020.
[PDF] Machine Learning


刘晋,禹 鹏,白隽瑄,傅焕章,潘俊君*, "基于三维激光扫描技术的犯罪现场重建", 刑事技术, 2017.




Teaching Assistant: 太极图形课, 2021 Winter
Intern: Taichi Graphics Technology Inc., 2021
Intern: Peng Cheng Laboratory, 2019 Winter, 2021 Spring
Teaching Assistant: GAMES201:Advanced Physics Engines 2020: A Hands-on Tutorial, 2020 Summer
Teaching Assistant: GAMES101: Introduction to Computer Graphics (in Chinese), 2020 Spring
Teaching Assistant: Physical Experiment of Beihang University, 2018 Autumn



Junjun Pan(潘俊君), Professor at Beihang University
Junxuan Bai(白隽瑄), PH.D. at Beihang University
Xiao Zhai(翟骁), Research Scientist at Digital Weta
Yang Gao(高阳), Assistant Researcher at Beihang University
Xiangfei Meng(孟祥飞), Bigo Co., Ltd.
Qing Xia(夏清), Research Scientist at SenseTime